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UV-Lamps for Photometers (Deuteriumlamps)
Xenon-Lamps for Photometers/Flourescence-Detectors
Heraeus-Lamps for Photometers Pricelist


Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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Laborgas Xenon, in Druckgasdose419816078

UV-Lamps for Photometers (Deuteriumlamps)

Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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XenonX 150 W / ozonfreiUXL-150SO329.50
XenonX 75 WUXL-75XE316.90

Xenon-Lamps for Photometers/Flourescence-Detectors

Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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XenonX 150 W / ozonfreiUXL-150SO330.00
XenonX 75 W, Avg Life 400h, 1000 LumensUXL-75XE317.40
XenonX 75 W, Avg Life 2000h, 1400 LumensUXL-S75XE540.00