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UV-Lamps for Photometers (Deuteriumlamps)
Xenon-Lamps for Photometers/Flourescence-Detectors
Heraeus-Lamps for Photometers Pricelist

UV-Lamps for Photometers (Deuteriumlamps)

Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
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Spectra Physics /TSPSP770 - SP8773DSP-101366.30
Spectra Physics /TSPSP8400 - 8490DSP-311/B301.20
Spectra Physics /TSPSerie UV; SF; SC; CEDSP-908476.50
Spectra Physics /TSP100/200DSP-053376.80
Spectra Physics /TSPSpectrachrom 100, 200DSP-053376.80
Spectra Physics /TSPLC8200DSP-049476.50
Spectra Physics /TSPSP8400 - SP8480DSP-003313.80
Spectra Physics /TSPLC8400-8450DSP-902489.10
Spectra Physics /TSPSP8480XR; SP8773XRDSP-003352.60
Spectra Physics /TSPLC871DSP-004256.00