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UV-Lamps for Photometers (Deuteriumlamps)
Xenon-Lamps for Photometers/Flourescence-Detectors
Heraeus-Lamps for Photometers Pricelist


Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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LKB PHARMACIA2150, 2248, 2249, 22502150 Piston Assembly - Sapphire80-1035-5251096-9123.00132.50
LKB PHARMACIA2150, 2248, 2249, 22502248, 2249, 2250 Piston Assembly - Sapphire80-1045-5751096-9211.00132.50
LKB PHARMACIA2150, 2248, 2249, 2250Piston Seal - Black80-1037-39B 191059.60
LKB PHARMACIA2150, 2248, 2249, 2250Seal Backing Ring80-1035-46H 137825.30
LKB PHARMACIA2150, 2248, 2249, 2250Inlet Check Valve Assembly80-1035-19H 1333351.40
LKB PHARMACIA2150, 2248, 2249, 2250Outlet Check Valve Assembly80-1035-20H 1334351.40
LKB PHARMACIA2150, 2248, 2249, 2250Check Valve CartridgeN / AH 1008175.70

UV-Lamps for Photometers (Deuteriumlamps)

Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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LKB/Pharmacia4050; 4051; 4054; Ultrospec II; III; PlusDLK-210324.30
PharmaciaUltrospec II vonS/N6598; Ultrospec IIIDPH-007371.50
PharmaciaTDS von S/N 206DPH-007371.50
PharmaciaUltrospec Plus von S/N 176DPH-007371.50