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UV-Lamps for Photometers (Deuteriumlamps)
Xenon-Lamps for Photometers/Flourescence-Detectors
Heraeus-Lamps for Photometers Pricelist

PEHANON® Indikatorpapiere
Übersicht und Bestellinformation [2/2]
Beschreibung der qualitativen Testpapiere in alphabetischer Reihenfolge [6/7]
Ferngläser, Spektive
Beschreibung der einzelnen Parameter und Teste [1/14]
Beschreibung der einzelnen Parameter und Teste [10/14]
Beschreibung der einzelnen Parameter und Teste [12/14]
ILS = Tradition and Technology
Syringe Production
Custom Made Products, Repair & Maintenance Service
Valco VSF-1 Valves
HPLC-Syringes for Autosampler
Waters, Spark, Kontron [1/2]
Waters, Spark, Kontron [2/2]
Perkin Elmer
LEAP Technologies, CTC, Shimadzu
Syringes for Automatic Liquid Handling
PTFE-Seals, Chemically Resistant Heavy Duty Syringes [2/6]
PTFE-Seals, Chemically Resistant Heavy Duty Syringes [3/6]
PTFE-Seals, Chemically Resistant Heavy Duty Syringes [4/6]
PTFE-Seals, Chemically Resistant Heavy Duty Syringes [5/6]
PTFE-Seals, Chemically Resistant Heavy Duty Syringes [6/6]
Modified PTFE-Seals for Buffers [1/6]
Modified PTFE-Seals for Buffers [2/6]
Modified PTFE-Seals for Buffers [5/6]
Modified PTFE-Seals for Buffers [6/6]
Special PE-Seals for Smoother Operation [1/6]
Special PE-Seals for Smoother Operation [2/6]
Special PE-Seals for Smoother Operation [3/6]
Special PE-Seals for Smoother Operation [4/6]
Special PE-Seals for Smoother Operation [5/6]
Special PE-Seals for Smoother Operation [6/6]
ABI, Abbott, Selectra, H-I, Varian [1/2]
ABI, Abbott, Selectra, H-I, Varian [2/2]
Syringes with PEEK-Tubing Connectors
Accessories for Connectors
Syringes with Adjustable Internal Stopper [1/2]
Syringes with Adjustable Internal Stopper [2/2]
Mirkroskopische Präparate Schulserie B (Fortsetzung) + C
Mirkroskopische Präparate Schulserie D
ILS = Tradition and Technology
Waters, Spark, Kontron [2/2]
Modified PTFE-Seals for Buffers [2/6]
Special PE-Seals for Smoother Operation [2/6]
Special PE-Seals for Smoother Operation [4/6]
ABI, Abbott, Selectra, H-I, Varian [1/2]
ABI, Abbott, Selectra, H-I, Varian [2/2]
Syringes with PEEK-Tubing Connectors
Syringes with Adjustable Internal Stopper


Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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Metermaßstab, aus Holz, schwarz/weiße Skala31994109054.00
Metermaßstab, aus Holz, farbige Skala31994109159.70
Paar verschiebbare Zeigermarken für Metermaßstab31994110040.50

Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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Fernglas mit Permafocus 8x30 Weitwinkel650313030101.50

UV-Lamps for Photometers (Deuteriumlamps)

Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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ERMAERC 7210-7211 * *DER-306/B298.00
ErmaERC 7215DER-199429.30

Indicators/Rapid Tests

Net pricelist (Euro) excl. value-added tax (19%)
Discount per agreement/commission value, Prices are negotiable (if you find a lower price for example)
Misprints reserved


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940014Lumi 10 Handbook /german1ST80.10